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Size:  750 Acre site


Environmental Technology: Soil Erosion Control, Passive Light/Ventilation/Cooling, Passive Solar Heating/Water Heating, Grey Water Separation, Solar Photovoltaic Electricity System, Rainwater Harvesting, Mass Transit, SMART CITY Systems


Apostrophe Team: Shivjit Sidhu (Principal Architect), Mohammed Wadkar (Project Architect), Supriya Patil, Nivedita Meher


Structural Engineer: CIDCO


Contractor: CIDCO


The project calls for Schematic Urban Design and Architecture Massing Services for the Pushpak Township _ Entitlement Area envisaged by CIDCO. These services will include multiple design alternatives, site/program/environmental analysis and concept landscape design.



The site is approximately 750 Acres adjacent to the Navi Mumbai International Airport. It is located between the shipping container ports of JNPT and the suburb of Panvel and will be bisected by the new Multi-Modal Highway that is proposed to encircle Greater Mumbai.



The project is partially equally born from the twin requirements of creating developed plots for property owners and residents that will be dis-housed by the new airport as well as the impetus for creating a “Gateway” township for the airport that reflects it's International aspirations.


Partially inspired by H.P. Berlage’s ‘Plan Zuid’; the Masterplan for a new suburb South of Amsterdam first conceptualized by Berlage in 1904, the Pushpak smart city attempts to create an urban environment that will become a truly self sufficient and sustainable township.


Apostrophe A+uD prioritized several aspects in the design to achieve this goal:

  • Smart Landscape that creates open spaces and spaces for natural recreation at three scales – the block / neighborhood / township. The landscape elements are easily accessible to all residents; and especially convenient to older or extremely young users who may not be able to travel away from their home.

  • Landscape elements are inter-linked to create a pedestrian network that cuts through large building blocks for efficient movement.

  • Traffic flow is planned with dedicated space for mass transit, independent pedestrian crossings and efficient flow for all vehicles.

  • Traffic speed is controlled both by regulatory features and physical design elements such as road medians, road curvature, etc.

  • Architectural norms are created for allowing maximum flexibility while encouraging practical sustainability, safety and comfort at the building and the urban scale.

  • Essential elements such as hospital, schools, community spaces, cultural spaces and sports facilities along with infrastructure for rain-water harvesting, water storage, waste water treatment, etc. was planned with aspects of architectural innovation and urban compatibility.

  • Disaster Management Plan at a detailed level was prepared that included coordination and monitoring efforts with International Airport and State authorities.

  • Smart Infrastructure Plan for utilities, safety, communication, citizen services, etc. was prepared with details for Urban and Architectural / Campus scale.

  • Plans for Smart Mobility including access and facilities for Metro / Inter-City Bus / Local Bus was prepared. This included designs for major nodes such as Metro Stations and Bus Terminals. Road layouts anticipated bus routes and planned for bus stops.

  • Detailed Road layout plans prepared for all intersections, road types and pathways. These plans and sections incorporated designs for urban utilities, lighting, services, amenities and landscape features.

  • Detailed Landscape Plans created for all landscape elements of site including the major Central Park and Lake, Hospital Gardens, School Gardens, Sports Faciltiy Gardens, Landscape Medians, etc.

© 2017 by Apostrophe A+uD.

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